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Ergo Keyboard Design

  1. My Projects/
TrackPoint Extension Generator
Ergo Keyboard Design TrackPoint
Python cli app that generates 3D-printable TrackPoint extensions that can be used in DIY ergonomic keyboards.
  1. My Blog/
How (and why) I wrote a driver for ancient PS/2 Mouse Devices...
·2798 words
Ergo Keyboard Design TrackPoint ZMK
Join me in this development journey blog post and experience the “Ups & Downs” of the most difficult hardware + software project I’ve ever embarked on.
  1. My Projects/
Trackpoint Keycap Generator
Ergo Keyboard Design TrackPoint
OpenSCAD scripts that cut holes into 3D-printable keycap models to make space for a TrackPoint.
  1. My Projects/
Ergogen & KiCad Keyboard Footprints
Ergo Keyboard Design
A library that extends the parts of the popular ergonomic keyboard generator Ergogen.
PS/2 TrackPoint & Mouse Driver
Ergo Keyboard Design TrackPoint ZMK

A device driver written in C that allows you to add TrackPoints and other PS/2 pointing devices to keyboards using the zmk firmware.

My most exciting and difficult project yet.